If you look at where I currently am in life, it will seem like I have always had it together: top-tiered income, perfect happy marriage, the perfect parent with perfect children. You could not be more wrong!
I wrote Power-up because my past life was full of destruction, and I have experienced some very dark times which has caused me to be mentally and physically drained. As I began to search for the person I truly wanted to be, and the person God called me to be, I realized that I was not alone in my feelings. That I was more than depression, that I could get a handle on my anger issues, that I could overcome being a part of the statistics.
Power-Up is a book to help you become fully charged mentally, physically, emotionally, and most important, spiritually. This book will take you on a journey from my darkness to light. My purpose on earth is to make those connected to me better, and it is not by accident that we have crossed paths. This book has you covered, from becoming a better spouse and parent, to losing 180lbs naturally and everything in between. Here is my promise, everything will get better once you get to 100%; Your life will never be the same.